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In her practice Ana came to truly see how massage treatments support the need of balance and harmony during pregnancy and postpartum. The time around birth is one of the best times for a nurturing massage. There are two types of massage: prenatal (or pregnancy) massage and postnatal (or postpartum) massages.


Pregnancy massage

Prenatal massage gives yourself a time out to unwind and focus on yourself and your growing baby. A moment to integrate all your experiences thus far. If you are suffering from aches, pains and exhaustion, a soothing treatment can work wonders.


Postpartum massage

Postpartum massage encourages healing after birth. As your body reverts to its non-pregnancy status, or even undergoes additional changes brought on by surgical recoveries or breastfeeding needs, new mamas often experience disconnection from their body.

Massage after birth helps to bring you back to your own body, integrate the hard work it just has been through. Allowing you to feel appreciation and relief through nourishing touch, while you take the first steps into motherhood. It also supports softening and elimination of the many aches and pains brought on by pregnancy. 


My Approach

Ana's approach is professional, gentle and welcoming. It is easy to feel at home in her presence. Her treatments are personalized and tailored to her client's wishes and adjusted to her body's needs. 
Ana finds it important that a mother feels safe when receiving a treatment. She makes sure that she is in a comfortable position, able to voice her needs before, during and after the treatment and is being heard. Her intention is to give the best experience.


Ana is a fully certified Medical Massage Therapist, Lymphatic Therapist and Psychologist (MSc). She has been trained in Pregnancy and Postpartum Massage by Louise Kleu in 2011 in Ireland. She helped many birthing persons experience comfort and support during this life-changing journey of becoming a mother. Ana is also a recognized member of the Dutch Association for Sports Massage, no. 501135.

Treatments with Ana

Pregnancy Massage

1 hour

1,5 hour

Postpartum Massage

1 hour

1,5 hour

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